Marriage after death – protect your children’s inheritance

In the run of things, it is normal that you would want your estate to pass to your spouse and then to your children after you die – and this is provisioned for within your Will.

But even if you do have a Will, you may be surprised that there are scenarios where your wishes may not happen. 

This is obviously worrying, but Templar Estate Planning can protect against this.

Take a look at the scenario of your spouse marrying again:

Most of us will want our partner to be happy and to remarry after we have gone. With this, everything that you have left your wife could become jointly owned with that new person.

Consider what would happen if that new marriage then breaks down; at least half of what you have worked so hard for could be lost in the divorce settlement. Or even if they have a good marriage but your partner dies before their new spouse, your assets could end up in the control of people who are nothing to do with your children – they could end up getting nothing and being disinherited.

We can prevent this.

Through us, you can direct assets into Trusts, that your partner fully benefits from, but importantly ensures your children’s inheritance is fully protected.

Make sure that what you want to happen actually happens and that others don’t benefit from your hard work at the expense of your children.

Placing half of the family home and other assets into a Flexible Family Trust on first death can ensure that should your surviving spouse/partner marry in the future; those assets have a much greater level of protection should they subsequently divorce and can remove the threat of your own children being disinherited. The survivor is still able to have use of the trust assets.

Contact us now to explore further

See other potential threats to your estate here.

Reason to have an LPA
not married
Will evaluation service

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