Shakespeare’s Will

Shakespeare's Will signature page
Extract from Shakespeare’s Will.

Yes, we are little biased… but for us, Shakespeare’s Will is one of his more fascinating works!

Signed in 1616, it follows the same basic constructs, and let’s face it – with a son-in-law struck out, and very specific bequests listed… the human instincts that we have still have today.   Shakespeare died a month after this will was written, having caught a fever at a ‘merry party’ thrown by fellow writer, Ben Jonson. He was buried in Stratford upon Avon church.   

Be like Will, have a Will.

We will not advise you to leave your second-best bed to your spouse! but we can deliver you a professional Will and further Estate Planning to ensure that your wishes are carried out to the letter.

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For more on this, see this great article here from No Sweat Shakespeare

Relevant Links:

Will writing

Trust establishment

Reason to have an LPA
not married
Will evaluation service

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