The Templar Estate Planning Life Book.
As with all Estate Planning, we advise that you get your affairs in order now to ensure that your loved ones are protected and looked after with the help they need once you have gone.
This obviously all stems from having a robust and valid Will – as part of our service from Wills through to Lasting Power of Attorney and Trusts all clients of Templar Estate Planning will now be given a life book to have ready for their loved ones.
The Life Book is designed to add another layer of protection and help alongside your Estate Planning, it will provide your loved ones with the vital information they will need all in one place.
Quite simply it is a document for you to record your information to help the process of managing your estate after you have gone. It will list everything from who you want to be contacted regarding your death through to your bank and pension details and even what you would like to happen with your digital legacy. It will be invaluable to those managing your estate after your death, not least to just help speed up the process.
If you are not yet a client of ours and would like a life book, contact us and we will happily send you one via email or pop into the office to pick a copy if you do not have a printer.