Bloodline and succession planning

What is Bloodline Planning?

Bloodline Planning is more commonly known as ‘how do I protect my children’s inheritance?’

Bloodline Planning means taking action now to ensure that after your death your assets reach your intended recipients, such as your children, grandchildren and other relatives, rather than ending up in the wrong hands including the tax man!

The threats to your Bloodline’s Inheritance

When assets are distributed to beneficiaries ‘absolutely’, i.e. they directly receive cash, property or other assets straight after death, so much can be lost. These assets are then wholly owned by the beneficiary and considered to be part of the beneficiary’s estate; leaving the assets at risk of attack from a number of sources including future partners, any future divorce settlements, creditors, and taxation.

Have you considered what might happen if your surviving spouse remarries? How would this affect your own children if he or she later changed their will in favour of the new spouse and any subsequent children or stepchildren? Your children could be written out of future wills and not receive your assets!

Or if you already have children from a previous relationship, how do you ensure that they would get their fair share?

If you have very young children or children that are disabled or with special needs, how can you ensure that they are adequately provided for?

You may also have business assets that you have worked hard for that you also want to be protected for your family and future generations.

Do you really want to take the risk and leave it all to chance, when with our professional help and guidance, to set up the correct type of planning all these problems could be avoided?

What can you do to ensure Bloodline Planning is in place?

Our expertise and that of Countrywide Tax and Trust Corporation will ensure that your assets are fully protected; both from attack and so they are immediately available to your loved ones after you are gone, without unnecessary delay due to complicated probate or other reasons.

The first thing to do is to ensure that you have a valid and up to date Will. Then alongside the Will the implementation and strategic use of Trusts and legal estate planning via Templar Estate Planning, will ensure that your children and grandchildren are able to benefit from the inheritance you want them to receive with the maximum possible protection from divorce, remarriage, taxation and creditors and other threats outlined above.

Contact us to find out more

Relevant links:

Will Writing Service

Trust Establishment

Videos – general guidance on Wills

Videos – five threats to your estate.

Reason to have an LPA
not married
Will evaluation service

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